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Compare car rental deals for Terrassa

Terrassa is best described as a city which is in the east central region of Catalonia in Spain. This city is situated in the Catalan Prelitoral depression. It is at the feet of the Prelitoral mountain range which is also called as the Natural reserve of Sant Llorenç del Munt. This way you can have great time at this natural reserve with the help of Terrassa car rental services. The churches of Sant Pere (Saint Peter) must also be visited. They were constructed close to the site of old Ègara to be the seat of the Ègara.

Santa Maria (Saint Mary) the old Cathedral is another attraction to see whose Apse is from the 6th century and the Nave is from the 11th century having exterior from the Lombardy-style decorations. Sant Pere (Saint Peter) is the next destination to view whose transept and apse are from 9th to 10th centuries. You should buy our Terrassa car hire deals online at reasonable price. The museum of Terrassa is owned by the municipal and also has various sections. Lats but not the least is the Museum of Science and Technology Catalonia. Hire a car at Terrassa to have the best trip ahead!

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